
School of 神学

The department offers three bachelor of arts degrees and two minors. 联系 Academic Advisement if you have questions: (509) 517-2132.

Meet the professors you’ll be learning from >

Goals and Objectives

Our goals for School of 神学 students

  1. To find purpose in this life and direction into the future.
  2. 去体验 Christian growth and develop spiritually.
  3. To settle for nothing less than the best in their preparation for service.
  4. To gain a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures.
  5. To relate a Biblically-based religious life to the needs and problems of contemporary life and society.
  6. To know, understand, and be able to communicate the Seventh-day Adventist message and heritage.
  7. To become prepared and motivated to take an active part in the life and leadership of the church both during the educational process and into the future.
  8. 去体验, for those students planning on subsequent pastoral internship and seminary education, the first phase of professional preparation.
  9. To expect and benefit from the School of 神学's assistance in the evaluation of majors and their placement into positions of service.
  10. To become active participants in IXTHUS, the campus 神学 Club.

Purpose of advisement program

  1. To provide for helpful teacher/student relationships throughout the entire program.
  2. To provide assistance in personal, spiritual, social, career, and academic matters.
  3. 收集, 解释, and evaluate data in cooperation with students that will assist conference presidents and others in the selection of graduates for employment.