



  • 学生必须提交一份 季度请求 through 适应 every quarter and obtain an updated letter of accommodation that reflects the current term. 学生 are required to send the letter of accommodation to faculty if they intend on using any accommodations in the course and must do so within the first two weeks of the quarter or within seven days of being granted accommodations for the first time by the Office of Disability Services. The date of the letter of accommodations must reflect the date of the 季度请求. 学生 should submit the 季度请求 when their schedule is finalized or they will need to request an updated letter of accommodation if classes are added during the drop and add period. 学生 will not be able to schedule exams with the SDC without completing the Quarter request.  

  • 学生必须提供 住宿通知书 在本季度的前两周内发给全体教员. All students must notify instructors of their intent to use an accommodation during the first two weeks of the quarter. 如果住宿最近被批准, 通知必须在获得住宿后的七天内发出. 


  • 学生 are eligible to schedule exams for in person courses where the exams are administered in person and on campus. SDC对在线考试的监考支持有限. 学生 or faculty expecting to need this support must be in touch with the office directly within the first two weeks of the semester.  

  • 学生 are responsible for scheduling exams with faculty or the SDC office according to the professor instructions AND providing 提前7天通知. 期末考试的截止日期请与SDC联系. 要求双倍住宿的期末考试必须在下午1点前开始.m.

  • 考试必须在课堂考试的同一天进行. Exceptions must be approved by the instructor and/or department for group exams. 考试开始前,学生可能会被留在办公室. 如有任何具体要求,请咨询您的指导老师.  


  • 教师可以为学生提供考试便利. 本季度, proctoring services at the testing center are offered with set seating times Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. 到下午3点.m. 星期五上午8:00-10:00.m. 期末考试时,就座时间是早上8点.m. 至下午1时.m. 所有监考以座位供应情况为准. 学生 submit an exam request through 适应 and the instructor must approve the request before a seat can be confirmed. 学生将只能在系统中看到可用的日期和时间. Instructors must approve exams within 72 hours or the exam request will be automatically canceled. 学生和教师可以在accommodation中监控他们的请求状态.  

  • 学生 must arrive on time for exams and allow adequate time for seating and securing their belongings in a locker. 学生 arriving more than 30 minutes after their start time will not be permitted to begin the exam and will be directed back to the instructor for the instructor’s exam make up policy.  

  • 不允许携带个人物品进入考场. 这包括:, 移动电话, 计算器了, 手表, 电子设备, 笔, 铅笔, 袋, 钱包, 背包, 钱包, 书, 外套, 帽子, 还有其他私人物品. SDC没有储物柜存放您的个人物品. You will be asked to empty and turn all pockets inside-out to ensure nothing is in them.

  • Exams are monitored and recorded by cameras to ensure compliance with the University Honor Code. 所有监考考试, 测试房间, and exam seating processes are monitored and recorded for academic 完整性. 

  • 考试开始后,学生不得离开考场. 考生在进入考场前应自行保管好个人用品. Should a student become ill during an exam, they should see SDC staff immediately. 

  • 学生 are expected to conduct themselves in a calm and professional manner. 学生 must submit their exam at the scheduled ending time or when prompted by staff. Failure to surrender an exam and cease working is automatically reported to the instructor and/or Dean of 学生. Any issues of academic misconduct or disruptions to the testing environment are reviewed by the Office of 学术管理. 学生 are expected to leave the testing room quietly and not cause disruptions when taking an exam.  

All policies listed here are reviewed with students upon granting of testing accommodations. 学生 acknowledge they have reviewed these policies and agree to abide by these policies when submitting a Semester Request.  

如果有任何关于文件的问题, 请联络残疾支援服务助理署长,电邮 or 509 527-2313. 


In alignment with our commitment to fostering an accommodating and equitable academic environment for students, the 学生发展中心 at 沃拉沃拉大学 has established policies regarding test proctoring for students receiving accommodations due to qualifying disabilities. This policy outlines procedures in the event that a student is caught engaging in cheating or violating our academic stands policy during a proctored test, 以及视频片段存储的指导方针.

作弊定义: Cheating is defined as any unauthorized attempt to gain an unfair advantage during a test or examination. 这包括, 但不限于, 使用未经授权的材料, 与他人沟通, 或从事任何形式的不诚实行为.


  1. 直接干预如果监考人员发现或怀疑作弊, 他们要立即介入制止未经授权的行为. 如果监考老师是学生工作者, 他们需要提醒WWU工作人员注意未经授权的行为, 这样他们就可以干预. It is up to the staff members discretion to let the student keep testing or not.
  2. 记录事件监考人员必须将事件记录下来, 包括作弊的性质, 观察到任何证据吗?, 以及所采取的行动. This can be done via email to the staff member or to the faculty of the class for which the test is being proctored.
  3. 通知有关各方:学生发展中心将通知课程指导老师, 以及教务处, 关于事件. 导师将决定适当的学术后果.


  1. 数据安全: Video footage captured during test proctoring is considered sensitive information. The 学生发展中心 will ensure the secure storage and handling of this data in compliance with applicable privacy laws and university policies.
  2. 停留时间:视频片段将被下载并保留一段时间, 通常是90天, after which it will be securely deleted unless required for ongoing investigations.


  1. 通知学生如有作弊嫌疑, 这个学生将被告知这件事, 收集到的证据, 以及随之而来的后果.
  2. 上诉程序: 学生 have the right to appeal any decisions related to cheating allegations. The appeals process is outlined in the university's general policies and procedures and will include a written letter to the VP of 学术管理.

通过坚持这一政策, we aim to maintain the 完整性 of the testing process while ensuring fair treatment and support for all students.

感谢您坚持无障碍原则的奉献精神, 完整性, 以及澳门线上博彩官网学术界的平等.